Belgium: one country – two educational systems; language conflict and educational policy


  • Gabriela Meinardi Library of Institute of Neophilology - Roman Section, Pedagogical University of Cracow


system of education, higher education, librarians, language conflict,


The aim of this article is to explain the educational system in Belgium, taking into account the structure of the different levels of education. It presents mainly the situation of higher education, revealing specifics of the two systems of education in the two language zones – the Dutch  and the French zone, focusing more on the latter. The article also highlights the historical impact of the language conflict in Belgium on its educational policy. Most attention is paid to the Belgian system of librarian training. The article presents the main centers in the French community which prepare students for the profession of a librarian-documentalist.


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How to Cite

Meinardi, G. (2015). Belgium: one country – two educational systems; language conflict and educational policy. Library &Amp; Education, (7), 55–64. Retrieved from

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