Interlibrary loans sections in France with particular reference to universities' libraries: from paper to digital data carriers


  • Maria Stachnik Library of Institute of Neophilology - Roman Section, Pedagogical University of Cracow


French libraries, interlibrary loans, organization, management, virtual libraries, documents delivery,


This article constitutes an attempt of demonstrating how interlibrary loans function in France. The context and complex issues connected with the inception and development of this kind of services forced the authorities of nowadays libraries’ to undertake some crucial actions that would enable the readers a broader and easier access to a vast set of resources of the libraries all around the world. A continuous progression of the current kinds of data carriers, from paper documents to digital data carriers, resulted from the ongoing technology and electronics development processes. The new data resources not only created many new opportunities but also caused some unexpected issues that had to be resolved. These factors had a significant impact on the general organization and activities carried out by French interlibrary loans sections which fulfil the orders placed by both domestic and external recipients.


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How to Cite

Stachnik, M. (2017). Interlibrary loans sections in France with particular reference to universities’ libraries: from paper to digital data carriers. Library &Amp; Education, (12), 29–43. Retrieved from