Academic library - (also) for children


  • Piotr Milc Main Library, Pedagogical University of Cracow


academic library, project, project management, European Researchers' Night, work for children,


The first edition of the European Researchers' Night was held in September 2005. Since then, the number of participants and research institutions, which co-organize the project and open their laboratories to the visitors, has been increasing. Although the humanities are not as spectacular as sciences, and do not allow the presentation of impressive experiments, among the partners of the Researchers' Night there are also academic libraries. They reveal, especially to the youngest, their resources and technologies used every day in the work of librarians. Preparing such a meeting could be an interesting project and a challenge to the librarians in the project team.


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How to Cite

Milc, P. (2016). Academic library - (also) for children. Library &Amp; Education, (10), 81–89. Retrieved from

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