A new way to access e-resources outside the UKEN network.

The Main Library of UKEN launched the HAN system, which is used to access databases and e-journals outside the university network. This service is available to Employees, Doctoral Candidates, and Students of UKEN from anywhere in the world and at any time of the day.
Remote access to electronic resources is available through the list of resources offered by the University at this address: https://han.uken.krakow.pl/HAN-AtoZ/atoz-complete.html. Once you select a resource from the list, you will need to log in using the CAS system.
The HAN system does not require users to install additional software or separate configuration.
It also does not require re-logging through CAS to access the database or other e-resources during the same session. Logging in is done in the same way as for other university systems (USOS, email, intranet, etc.)
The HAN system provides users with quick and easy access to valuable scientific resources.
If you have any questions regarding HAN, please contact: oininfo@uken.krakow.pl, and for technical issues, please report them to: ooibg@uken.krakow.pl.